LYW: How/why did you come to Yoga? And when did you join the LiveYoga Wellness community.
Suzi: I took my first yoga class in Santa Monica at the YWCA when I was in college, to help me keep calm so I could concentrate on my studies. And yoga definitely helped! I started teaching at Live Yoga Wellness in 2011.
LYW: How has yoga changed your life?
Suzi: Yoga has changed my life in so many ways, starting with my healthy spine. If it wasn’t for the asanas, I may not be working as a Dental Hygienist for 30 years! I am able to stay focused and calm by using my breath, and I feel good in my heart.
LYW: Why do you love teaching yoga?
Suzi: I love teaching yoga because I want everyone to benefit from this inspiring and life transforming practice. My students give me so much joy, and I am always learning from them as well. If it wasn’t for all my wonderful students, I wouldn’t be able to teach!
LYW: How do you take your yoga into the world?
Suzi: I give back to the world with my open heart. I feel very strongly about helping others when I can. I volunteer weekly at Safe Place for Youth, a non-profit homeless shelter for teenagers and young adults.
LYW: What is your current practice or a recommendation and why?
Suzi: My current practice has definitely slowed down. I pay more attention to how my body feels and what it can do, not pushing my body into a pose that doesn’t feel good. I teach and practice more Prime of Life Yoga® and I love that I can accept myself and my body for all it’s beauty.